BSSD athletes break three records at NYO in Koyuk
By Anna Lionas - Nome Nugget
This is an excerpt, the original article can be found here
Three Bering Strait School District Native Youth Olympics records were broken at the district’s NYO event held in Koyuk, last weekend. The two-day event saw 64 athletes from 13 BSSD schools gathering at Koyuk.
“The community of Koyuk did an amazing job hosting and taking care of the kids. It takes a lot of support to make these events go smoothly,” BSSD’s Student Activities Specialist Steven Perry said. This year there were 11 competitive events with seven boys and six girls earning gold medals, they will advance to states.
Ourea from Unalakleet broke two records: the girls Alaskan High kick and Scissor Broad Jump. Kylierose from Golovin beat the girls Hand Reach record by three and a half inches, earning gold. Autumn Nanouk who received a silver medal, also broke the record by two and a half inches.
Unalakleet’s team came in first place overall and Gambell came in second, also winning the sportsman- ship award.
Ourea from Unalakleet and Kenyon Southall from Brevig earned awards for Most Outstanding Athlete.
The BSSD state team will travel with four selected judges to Anchor- age next week to compete in the state NYO competition, April 25-27.
“[The coaches] know all the ins and outs of the rules, it’s very supportive with the kids helping each other and coaches helping and encouraging other teams,” Perry said.
Photo by Irving Ashenfelter