
Are you thinking about a change for 2024-2025?

Classified Vacancies - Support staff including paraprofessionals, food service, clerical staff, custodial, and maintenance

Certified Vacancies - Certificated teachers, counselors, and administrators

Bering Strait School District is now creating a candidate pool, and interviewing candidates for the upcoming school year.

The BSSD Human Resources office is located in the district office building in Unalakleet.

Our staff handles all types of employment inquiries, schedules interviews for candidates, coordinates job fair and other recruiting efforts, helps with teacher certification paperwork, and manages all district employee relations.

If you are interested in teaching in rural Alaska, please fill out the online
certified employment application.

The District has over 197 certified teachers, 21 school principals and assistant principals, several district office administrators and program specialists, as well as several hundred
classified support team members.

Our hiring cycle peaks between January and March, and we like to have most positions for the following school year filled by April.

Please feel free to 
email us for assistance or questions. Don't forget to check out our latest projected certified openings for the current school year!

Notice: Bering Strait School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.

Director of Human Resources
Bering Strait School District
P.O. Box 225
Unalakleet, Alaska 99684
Phone: 907-624-4309 • Fax: 907-624-3078