Our students have been getting ready for the Holiday Program tonight! Come join us in some festive fun!!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Holiday Program Reminder - join us tonight at 5:30 PM
HS GIRLS & BOYS -- Meeting today at 3:45 in the school library for all high school students interested in playing basketball this year.
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Join us this Wednesday for free books, storytelling, and art activities! Children must be with an adult.
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Family Literacy Night on Wednesday, Dec. 14
A busy week before the holidays!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Dec 12-16 in Grizzlies Country
Good news! You can now order your child's SCHOOL PICTURES. Come to the school office to see the picture and fill out an order form. We'll see you soon - just be careful on the icy roads coming to school!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
THIS JUST IN: The 5/6th grade Battle of the Books team - the WBB Bookworms - tied with Koyuk for FIRST PLACE in today's practice battle! GO GRIZZLIES!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Open Gym is cancelled tonight due to staffing shortage.
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Here's what's going on this week:
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Quiet week  Grizzlies Country
***NOTICE*** The City of Stebbins will be making a stove oil run for those in need. The next stove oil run will be at 12:00 pm today. There is a 5-gallon limit for Toyo Stove and a 10-gallon limit for boiler systems. You will need to provide cash or credit and your own oil containers before they deliver. If you are interested call this number to order: 907-944-1170 or 907-944-1465
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
We hope you'll join us - the more the merrier!!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Holiday Market Sat, Dec 3 from 2p to 4p.
Please read this important notice:
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Don't let your kids play in the lot where the Native Store was.   According to the Troopers, there is ASBESTOS.  Asbestos is very dangerous to kids and adults. It can cause cancer and lung disease.
The school is open to community members who have been displaced or have lost power from the grocery store fire - come on down, warm up, and get breakfast.
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Celebrating Qaspeq Monday!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
2nd grade teacher Ms. Marie with Principal John
Special Ed teacher, Ms. Watkins
4th grader Kyani poses in the qaspeq her grandmother made
Hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! Here's what's coming for this week:
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Saturday Holiday Market Dec 3rd @ 2 o'clock PM
Early release today.
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Today all students will be released at 2:30 PM.  Enjoy the holiday weekend! We'll see you back here on Monday.
Updates to "This Week in Grizzlies Country" include Coding Club today at 3:45 and Animé Club tomorrow at 3:45 for HS and MS. Also, check out a few pictures from Qaspeq Monday at https://stebbins.bssd.org/o/stebbins-school
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
This week in Grizzlies Country
New after school activity for HS and MS students!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Coding Club after school Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:45 PM in Room 161
Here's what's happening this week in Grizzlies Country:
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
This week in Grizzlies Country - Take your picture in your favorite qaspeq Monday morning in the gym!
All staff and students wear your qaspeqs tomorrow for Qaspeq Monday! Parents and community please join us for pictures at 9am after morning assembly. We have extra qaspeqs!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Qaspeq Monday photo shoot 11/21 at 9am in the school gym
We're starting up After School Programs with the popular Animé Club - today at 3:45p in Room 161 with Ms. Sisa!
over 2 years ago, Grizzlies
Animé Club Wednesdays at 3:45p in Room 161