Last Frontier Eye Care coming to Stebbins May 17-20. See flyer for details.

Stop by the school and pick up your Kindergarten enrollment form for children who turn 5 before Sept. 1. See flyer for details.

On Monday, May 10, 2021, the FDA approved the authorization of the Pfizer Vaccine for students aged 12-15, now allowing all individuals 12 and up to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine if they wish. The CDC formally approved the Pfizer Vaccine for 12 and up today as expected. This will begin to move us further towards our school reopening efforts for next year, as well as allow more communities to reach that 80% mark for further reopening of our region. Teams from NSHC will be put together Thursday, May 13 and be ready to begin administering shots on Friday, May 14, 2021. As stated before, I have approved teams from NSHC to come into the schools and provide shots as necessary. Attached are links to the Pfizer Vaccination Consent Form for parents and the EUA referenced on the form. If you would like for your child to receive the vaccination at the school, please complete this form and return it to your school office by Friday, May 14, 2021. The Bering Strait School District highly recommends all eligible students and community members get the vaccine to assist in our efforts of keeping all our students, staff, and communities safe. NSHC COVID19 Vaccination Consent Form: https://5il.co/sm1x Fact Sheet: https://5il.co/sjnd

Register for FREE MEALS for kids this summer. Must register by this Friday, May 14. Check out the flyer for details. Come down to the school if you need help getting registered.

BSSD Graduation Dates
The Bering Strait School District is excited to announce that we will be holding in person graduation ceremonies for the 2021 high school graduates.
Check with your school to see capacity limits for graduation day!

2021 Graduation Dates!
The Bering Strait School District is excited to announce that we will be holding in person graduation ceremonies for the 2021 high school graduates.
Check with your school to see capacity limits for graduation day!

Share your thoughts on the COVID-19 Pandemic & Education!
AK DEED Survey Closes on May 16 at 11:59am: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/808824766
Calling all families & advocates of migratory children, English learners, Alaska Native children, children with disabilities, children experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care! We need your feedback! COVID-19 has impacted all of us and has interrupted our students' learning. Join the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development for an evening chat as we discuss the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and gather your input on the needs of our children.
Please join us for a discussion on the COVID-19 Pandemic and Education. Choose whichever day works for your schedule!
• Monday, May 10, 2021 at 6pm
• Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6pm
• Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6pm
All meetings are accessible here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85080672200
You can also join us on the phone by calling this number 888-475-4499 and entering the meeting ID: 850 8067 2200

SATURDAY SCHOOL SUCCESS! 3rd grader Mary Pete holds up her "Woman in Qaspeq" art project while Donté Henry photobombs in the background.

Savoonga is streaming the Middle School basketball games this weekend between Stebbins, Savoonga, and Gambell.

9:00am to lunch for all students.
Saturday will be a make up day for school missed during the year due to COVID-19. Students will be excused after their grade’s lunch period. Staff will work from 8AM to 1PM.

Bridgette Wongittilin is the Stebbins recipient of BSSD’s February Special Education Paraprofessional of the Month! The special ed team at Stebbins shares: Bridgette is “gifted with patience and initiative…She models a positive attitude by never giving up no matter how hard the situation can be.” Congratulations, Bridgette! Thank you for the care you give to our students!

Today's Volleyball Games - Sat, 4/17
12:30 am - ELIM vs ST. MICHAEL
2:30 pm - STEBBINS vs ELIM

TIME CHANGE for Friday’s volleyball games due to weather. Today’s start times are 4 PM, 7 PM, and 9 PM. Saturday’s games are the same: 10 AM, 12:30 PM, and 2:30 PM.

Volleyball at home this weekend against Elim and St. Michael! Friday games are at 3 PM, 6 PM, and 8 PM. Saturday games are at 10 AM, 12:30 PM, and 2:30 PM. Doors open 15 minutes before the game. Free entry. COVID mitigation is in effect: masks must be worn at all times; no concessions; total maximum capacity 140 people.

March Para of the Month
This month, the Special Education Department would like to recognize the recipients of the Special Education Paraprofessional of the month. This month, we focused on honoring support staff demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in their everyday work ethic. Special Education who possess these traits are vital to our programs, and we thank them for all they do!
Stebbins: Bridget Wongittilin
Bridgette has a soft heart to the students most especially to special education students. She is gifted with long patience and initiative. She is sensitive to others' needs, and she responds to her students with care and a huge understanding. Bridgette is flexible and is happy to perform other functions whenever her service is needed. She maintains a happy disposition despite the challenges around her. She models a positive attitude by never giving up no matter how hard the situation can be. -Tukurngailnguq School
Gambell: Orlin Booshu
Orlin is amazing. He is flexible and is capable of working with any student and staff member on campus. I am so lucky that he is part of my team. He is also the vice-president of the village, so is very knowledgeable about the students and their families. Orlin is my right-hand guy who is willing to step in and help regardless of the situation. –Dolly Adams Wingfield, Special Educator
Brevig Mission: Margaret LaBar
Margaret is one of the most important reasons for the success that we have had this year with one of our students. She is ready and willing to offer advice and expertise. She also goes above and beyond each and every day to help all our students succeed! We rely on many personnel to serve all the minutes of our students. There have been many times that schedules changed suddenly or someone wasn't able to come to work at the last minute. Margaret has consistently offered to fill in on a moment's notice. I've never even had to ask! Thank you very much, Margaret!-Timothy Seibel, Special Educator
Brevig Mission: Kevin Tocktoo
Kevin is always adapting to the needs of the students he works with. When something isn't working in the classroom he talks to the general education teacher and the special education teacher. He explains challenges he is having, what he has tried, and asks for suggestions on other strategies he can use so that the students can be successful! -Cory Kralovetz, Special Educator
Savoonga: Sabrina Toolie
Sabrina is an exceptional paraprofessional serving grades 6-12 at Hogarth Kingeekuk Sr. School. Time and time again she has exemplified flexibility by always being willing to adjust to schedule changes that help best serve our students. She is also my go sub to fill in for me, whenever I can't be at school. I think adaptability is another strong ability that she shows on a daily basis. When a student is having a hard time learning, she uses her resources to find a new approach. When a student is showing difficult behavior, she adjusts her approach and persists until she sees the behaviors improve. She is a seriously dedicated educator that uses her best qualities to help our special education students. She is one of those paraprofessionals that we should all hope to see as a certified teacher, in the near future. –Nick Czelusniak, Special Educator

March Para of the Month
This month, the Special Education Department would like to recognize the recipients of the Special Education Paraprofessional of the month. This month, we focused on honoring support staff demonstrating flexibility and adaptability in their everyday work ethic. Special Education who possess these traits are vital to our programs, and we thank them for all they do!
Stebbins: Bridget Wongittilin
Bridgette has a soft heart to the students most especially to special education students. She is gifted with long patience and initiative. She is sensitive to others' needs, and she responds to her students with care and a huge understanding. Bridgette is flexible and is happy to perform other functions whenever her service is needed. She maintains a happy disposition despite the challenges around her. She models a positive attitude by never giving up no matter how hard the situation can be. -Tukurngailnguq School
Gambell: Orlin Booshu
Orlin is amazing. He is flexible and is capable of working with any student and staff member on campus. I am so lucky that he is part of my team. He is also the vice-president of the village, so is very knowledgeable about the students and their families. Orlin is my right-hand guy who is willing to step in and help regardless of the situation. –Dolly Adams Wingfield, Special Educator
Brevig Mission: Margaret LaBar
Margaret is one of the most important reasons for the success that we have had this year with one of our students. She is ready and willing to offer advice and expertise. She also goes above and beyond each and every day to help all our students succeed! We rely on many personnel to serve all the minutes of our students. There have been many times that schedules changed suddenly or someone wasn't able to come to work at the last minute. Margaret has consistently offered to fill in on a moment's notice. I've never even had to ask! Thank you very much, Margaret!-Timothy Seibel, Special Educator
Brevig Mission: Kevin Tocktoo
Kevin is always adapting to the needs of the students he works with. When something isn't working in the classroom he talks to the general education teacher and the special education teacher. He explains challenges he is having, what he has tried, and asks for suggestions on other strategies he can use so that the students can be successful! -Cory Kralovetz, Special Educator
Savoonga: Sabrina Toolie
Sabrina is an exceptional paraprofessional serving grades 6-12 at Hogarth Kingeekuk Sr. School. Time and time again she has exemplified flexibility by always being willing to adjust to schedule changes that help best serve our students. She is also my go sub to fill in for me, whenever I can't be at school. I think adaptability is another strong ability that she shows on a daily basis. When a student is having a hard time learning, she uses her resources to find a new approach. When a student is showing difficult behavior, she adjusts her approach and persists until she sees the behaviors improve. She is a seriously dedicated educator that uses her best qualities to help our special education students. She is one of those paraprofessionals that we should all hope to see as a certified teacher, in the near future. –Nick Czelusniak, Special Educator

Coach needed for NYO. If you are interested, please get in touch with Mr. Juvinall at the school or at 944-3041.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Find more information on the Alaska Children's Trust website: https://www.alaskachildrenstrust.org/child-abuse-prevention-month

Reminder - We go back to school tomorrow! :-) Doors open at 8:20 AM. Get a good night sleep!

CHANGE OF TIME FOR SATURDAY'S HOME GAME. Girls play at 11:00 AM Saturday against Elim. This will be the only Saturday game this weekend. Good job tonight, girls - let's do it again tomorrow!